Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Compare and Contrast Groups

We have been learning ALL about how to compare and contrast this week. Since this is a simpler skill, we are focusing on writing paragraphs that contain sentences with key words that tell how things are alike and different. We've also been working hard on identifying similarities and differences that are found within a text, not just pictures. Be sure and ask your child about our Halloween stories group activity and the Classmate Comparison activity. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Vocabulary on the Move!

This week we learned a new vocabulary activity called Vocabulary on the Move. We did this fun "game" in whole group so we could all learn the rules, but next week it'll be a free choice in the vocabulary center. The kids LOVED this activity and it was a great way to practice our vocabulary skill, which happens to be antonyms this week. Each student had a word that they placed on their forehead without looking. They had a list of questions they could ask their teammates to try and figure out their word.  Check out all the fun they had below. :)